Curious Agents Saga (Part 2), Novelty or Surprise: How to Make Your Deep Reinforcement Learning Agents Curious?

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Table of Content

  • Challenges in Exploration
  • Novelty
    • State Counting
    • Change Counting
    • Novelty through Reachability
    • Novelty via Reconstruction
  • Surprise
    • Predictive Surprise
    • Bayesian Surprise
  • Hybrid Approaches
    • Surprise + Novelty
    • Novelty of Surprise

Challenges in Exploration

In the preceding post, we studied classical exploration strategies primarily grounded in theoretical justifications under naïve assumptions, challenging to scale in complex scenarios. 🧠 Why is scaling a big problem? Practical environments often involve huge continuous state and action spaces, as exemplified below:

Exploration in Doom

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